Besides hiring high price coaching, golf pros use a variety of methods to improve their play. Consistent practice is a given. Another obvious tactic would be a comprehensive strength and conditioning program.
Most golf pros are also open to trying new accessories. There are some tried and true pieces of equipment they use to prepare themselves for competitive play. Many of these are surprisingly affordable.
Try adding these accessories to your practice routine and see if you notice a drop in your handicap.
Golf Weights
Many pros and amateurs use weights on their clubs during practice sessions. They use slow and deliberate swings with these weights. This offers several benefits.
- Slow swings with resistance will develop muscles more quickly. It works like any other weight training program.
- Training with weights also develops muscle endurance. It gives you the stamina to take more practice swings. Endurance also gives you the strength you need to keep your focus through the end of the round.
- You’ll find your lighter clubs easier to handle, bringing more power and accuracy to every shot. This gives you greater range with more precision.
Putting Green
Pros will also invest in a putting green for their home. A putting green turf can be configured to their specifications, allowing them to address their weaknesses several times a day.
Use Identical Equipment
Pros will use the same putter and balls that they would use on the greens. This gives them a consistent feel to their group and approach.
Watch Film
Like any sport, the pros will watch the swing and putting of other pros. You can download videos and there are plenty of instructional videos available on DVD.
Besides watching others, it helps to film yourself as well. You can then run comparisons between what your swing looks like to what the pros look like.